Business (430)
Accommodation (20)
B&B/ Self-Catering (2)
Campsites (8)
Hotels (10)
Attractions & Tours (72)
Childcare (21)
Babysitters (1)
Childminders (6)
Preschools & Nurseries (14)
Classes & Clubs (126)
After School Club (4)
Art & Craft (5)
Baby & Pre-school (32)
Dance & Drama (9)
Gymnastics (2)
Holiday Clubs (31)
Horse Riding (2)
Language (1)
Music (12)
Other Clubs (8)
Sports (47)
Swimming (8)
Education (32)
Preschools & Nurseries (15)
Private Education (7)
Special Needs (6)
Food & Drink (41)
Beach Kiosks (11)
Restaurants & Cafes (27)
Take-aways (2)
Help & Support (36)
Kids Parties (104)
Halls for Hire (27)
Party Décor (8)
Party Entertainment (50)
Party Food & Cake (17)
Party Venues (45)
Pregnancy & Birth (24)
Shops & Services (85)
Buggies & Nursery (2)
Health & Beauty (14)
Keepsakes & Gifts (19)
Kids Clothing & Shoes (15)
Kids hairdressers (7)
Maternity (7)
Medical (12)
New Baby (28)
Photographers (10)
School Uniform (6)
Sports Equipment (2)
Toys & Games (11)
Transport (15)
Bicycle Hire (5)
Car Hire (2)
Ferries (4)
Flights (3)
Indoor (31)
Active (9)
Cinema & Theatre (5)
Craft & Making (5)
History & Heritage (8)
Others (2)
Soft Play (3)
Outdoor (101)
Active & Tours (35)
Beaches (23)
Fun Walks (15)
History & Heritage (21)
Parks & Playgrounds (9)
Business Name
Aladdin’s Cave is an independently run family business offering out of town shopping with a cafe. They have a large toy department and a dedicated baby and nursery section. Partyware and balloons also available.
Business Phone Number
01481 728469
Business Address
Les Canus, Les Capelles, Guernsey GY2 4UJ
Business Name
Angel cakes are a homemade cake maker in Guernsey specialising in vegan cakes for guilt free pleasure! All occasions catered for including children’s birthday cake.
Business Phone Number
07781 419358
Business Name
Ania is a photographer specialising in Wedding, Maternity, Children Photography in Guernsey – pregnancy, newborn, kids and family photo sessions.
Business Phone Number
07781 175553
Business Name
Gold Accredited Guernsey Tour Guide, Annette Henry, has been offering a variety of walking tours and themed guided walks in Guernsey, Herm and Alderney for the past 20 years. Walks suitable for adults and children plus Annette offers themed walks for children’s parties.
Business Phone Number
01481 263755
Business Address
La Haie Fleurie, Clos Landais, St Peters, Guernsey, GY7 9PB
Business Name
Ashanti based in the Lower Pollet offers body piercing including children’s ear piercing. They stock the largest selection of quality body piercing jewellery in the island and a range of costume jewellery and clothing.
Business Phone Number
01481 723009
Business Address
9 Lower Vauvert, St Peter Port,Guernsey, GY1 1LZ
Business Name
Aurigny fly to and from Guernsey from London Gatwick, London Stansted, Manchester, East Midlands, Bristol, Southampton, Exeter, Birmingham, Norwich, Leeds Bradford and Alderney.
Business Phone Number
01481 267267
Business Address
Guernsey Airport, La Villiaze, Forest, Guernsey GY8 0DS
Business Name
A highly recommended party specialist catering to ages 0-14, providing parties filled with fun, laughter, and magic. Our bespoke parties are renowned for their passion, energy, and excitement! Our aim is to offer children an unforgettable experience while parents sit back, relax, and enjoy the entertainment.
Business Phone Number
Business Contact Email
Business Name
Avenue Clinic provide a range of services including Neuro-Developmental Therapy, Pregnancy and Post Pregnancy Massage and Nutritional Therapy.
Business Phone Number
01481 728798
Business Address
Avenue Clinic, St Julian’s Avenue, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 1GZ
Business Name
A wide range of bicycles for adults & children with all the accessories you might need, such as trailers & child seats to make exploring Sark easy & enjoyable.
Business Phone Number
01481 832102
Business Address
The Avenue, Sark, GY10 1SF
Business Name
Performing arts school offering dance and drama classes for children from 18 months to adults, along with classically based ISTD training in ballet, tap, modern and classical Greek.
Business Phone Number
01481 236666
Business Address
St Andrews Community Centre, Rue de Boullerie, St Andrews, Guernsey
Business Name
The NHS UK website offers lots of really useful information on whatever you want to know about parenthood, from breastfeeding to when your baby will have their first vaccinations. It’s an essential guide and has lots of free tools for having a healthy, happy baby.
Business Website Address
Business Name
Baby Sensory offer a complete approach to learning and development for babies from birth to 13 months with weekly classes and first birthday parties. Each class offers a musical world full of exciting sensory experiences such as lights, bubbles, musical instruments, puppets, signing, parachute activities. Activities and experiences vary weekly so there is always something fun and new to discover!
Business Phone Number
07781 414666
Business Contact Email
Business Address
St Martins Community Centre, St Martins, Guernsey
Business Name
Bailiwick Maternity Voices are a group of parents working together with health care professionals with the aim of supporting other parents and improving maternity services.
Business Website Address
Business Contact Email
Business Name
Lucy hand bakes and hand paints each amazing birthday cake especially for you.
Business Name
Baking Me Crazy offer Cakes, Cupcakes, Cake Pops, Millionaire Shortbread and other sweet treats,
Business Name
Restored battery gun pit that houses the last of its type in Europe. This French, 10 tonne, 22cm gun was restored by Guernsey Armouries in 1997 and externally, the camouflage has been replaced as original. All work has been carried out as authentically as possible to return the site to its wartime appearance. The Dollman is free to visit.
Business Address
Batterie Dollman Gunpit, Pleinmont Headland, Torteval, Guernsey
Business Name
Battletec is a fun outdoor game involving teams of five up to fifty players. It normally takes place in a closed off environment suitable for combat simulations. Rather than real guns Battletec uses Airsoft guns that shoot small 6mm plastic BB pellets. These sting when they come into contact with your skin, but don’t scar. This is a fun way to build fitness, team work skills and shoot holes in your friends!!!
Business Phone Number
07781 104068
Business Address
11 Contree Mansell, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 1HR
Business Name
Authentic Street Dance classes that encourage youngsters, teens and adults to get a feel for these various styles of dance, have fun and keep fit and healthy at the same time. Children’s dance parties also available.
Business Phone Number
Business Contact Email
Business Address
Ignite Studios, Rock Health, Victoria Avenue, St Sampsons,
Business Name
Enjoy family films at the largest cinema in Guernsey. With a 7 Metre screen, tiered seating and top of the range 3D projection equipment.
Business Phone Number
01481 747200
Business Address
Beau Sejour Leisure Centre, Amherst, St Peter Port
Business Name
Guernsey’s largest sports centre offering various indoor and outdoor sports activities, court hire, indoor gym, fitness classes and indoor swimming pools.
Business Phone Number
01481 747200
Business Address
Beau Sejour Leisure Centre, Amherst, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 2DL