Guernsey with Kids

Tiny Tale Adventures – Interactive storytelling at its best

Tiny Tale Adventures is new to the preschool scene, and has become an instant hit with families in Guernsey, so I was delighted to be asked to watch a class to see why this unique way of storytelling is proving so popular. 

I had read on the Tiny Tale Adventures website that their storytelling sessions bring stories to life for children, stimulating their imagination and expanding their understanding. I also knew that the storyteller was Lucy Cave, who I have seen in a number of theatre productions in Guernsey, so I had high hopes of what the class would entail, and it certainly lived up to my expectations.


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Saying hello at the Tiny Tale Adventures Class

The class takes place at the Billie and Leslie Norman Rooms, behind Vale Church. I hadn’t been to the room before, but Lucy sent out detailed instructions prior to the class, and there was plenty of parking next door. Lucy had laid blankets on the floor for people to sit on, so as soon as the children arrived they took off their shoes, choose a blanket and sat down.

Once all 8 children had arrived, Lucy introduced herself as the Interactive Storyteller and said hello to the children, they then all joined in the introductory song (with lots of movement and actions). I could instantly see how enthusiastic Lucy was about the class and building a bond with the little ones, she was very personable and has a beautiful singing voice. 

Hansel and Gretel, but not as you know it!

The story for the session was Hansel and Gretel, but Lucy explained that some of the story had been changed, and that she needed their help to tell it. Lucy didn’t have a storybook, she had memorised the story and ‘her lines’ which was very impressive. The story started amongst the trees, with the poem ‘I Am A Tree’, which Lucy made very interactive, showing lots of actions that the children followed. Some of the children were a little hesitant at the start, but the adults were great at getting involved and encouraging their little ones to have a go.

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Next came the really funny bit that broke the ice for those that were a little shy. Lucy was telling the children that they didn’t have enough food, and her voices were hilarious and made all the children (and adults) laugh out loud. Put me to shame when I thought about the boring way I read stories to my kids! 

This was followed by more interactivity, where everyone had to pretend to be the woodcutter who couldn’t help chopping down every tree he saw! They all practised their chopping action, then went round the room chopping down lots of trees.

Learning to be woodcutters

Next they all skipped around the wood dropping imaginary pebbles so they could find their way home. Lucy then explained that Gretel was afraid of the dark in the woods, so Hansel had a song that would cheer her up. The song was to the tune of The Wheels on the Bus, and the familiarity of the tune made it easier for the children to sing along. After taking big bites out of the gingerbread house, they come across the witch…

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Lucy’s witch voice again had the children laughing, and she then explained that the witch had turned Hansel into an aardvark!!!! Cue lots more laughing from everyone.

They then learnt that the witch was very good at flying her broomstick, and were encouraged to have a go too.  This was followed by a game of musical broomsticks: flying on their broomsticks whilst the music was playing, and freezing when the music stopped. Due to the fact some of the children were only 3 years old and had trouble freezing, Lucy was really great with the kids, getting them to laugh when they moved so it wasn’t serious, just lots of fun. 

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Flying on their broomsticks

Lucy then finished the story with the witch wanting to turn Hansel back into a boy, but in this version, he wanted to stay an aardvark! 

Outside adventure

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Tiny Tale Outside Adventure

I thought the session was all about listening to the story, however, I hadn’t realised there is so much more than that. Once Hansel and Gretel was finished, the children were invited to go outside and follow the pebble path that had been laid to some treasure. All the kids raced to get their shoes on and start following the path. We were lucky that it was a lovely sunny day and by this point the children were very comfortable and enjoyed independently following the pebbles.  The treasure turned out to be some gingerbread colouring sheets that were very excitedly found hidden in the grass.

Treasure found!

More than storytelling

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Gingerbread house craft

Once back inside Lucy had set up a craft table in the room, with paint sticks (I had never seen these before, non-messy paints, who knew?!), crayons, felt tip pens, Pritt Stick with foam shapes and stickers.  The children got stuck in very quickly, they all appeared to really enjoy decorating their gingerbread houses. What was lovely to watch was the interaction been the little ones and the adults (parents and grandparents).

Time to say goodbye

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Final broomstick game

Once the gingerbread houses were finished and put aside to dry, it was time for one last game of musical broomsticks, which got the children running around again after the period of concentrating on their pictures. The children didn’t want the game to end, but the 50-minute session had flown by (no pun intended!), and it was time for the goodbye song.  

There is nothing better than creating a love of books and stories in children when they are young. The grandmother of regular attendee, Flossie, had this to say about why they both enjoy attending Tiny Tale Adventures;

''Flossie enjoys attending these classes because she loves doing the actions and taking home her artwork. She enjoys telling her mummy and daddy about the story and re-enacting what she did in the class. I love attending the classes with Flossie, it's such a nice thing to do together''

My thoughts

I was really impressed with the session and can see why Lucy is so passionate about it. Due to the pace of the story, and how interactive it was throughout, the children were fully engaged from start to finish. I wish Lucy every success with Tiny Tale Adventures as she is offering something completely unique in Guernsey that I highly recommend to anyone with children aged 3-5 years.  

More info...

CLICK HERE for the dates of upcoming classes and to book.


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