Guernsey with Kids

Nature Guernsey

GWK Crabs and Crocks Guernsey

Crabs & Crocks

What’s on Guernsey 7th April: Join Nature Guernsey looking for crocks and crabs, though no doubt you will spot a few other things as well! 

GWK Rock Pool Ramble Guernsey

Rock Pool Ramble

What’s on Guernsey 26th March: Discover the beautiful and fascinating creatures that live on our shores. All welcome.

GWK Botany walk juniors Guernsey SMALL

Botany Walk

What’s on Guernsey 18th March: Kids will enjoy a wildflower walk along the beautiful Petit Bôt cliffs to look at native wildflowers.

GWK Beach Clean Guernsey

Beach Clean – L’Eree

What’s on Guernsey 25th Sept: Join La Société Guernesiaise in helping to clean up our beaches and stop rubbish polluting our ocean.

GWK Junior Bug Hunt Guernsey

Junior Bug Hunt

A great half-term activity for juniors to see what insects they can find! Starting at 2pm at the Bordeaux mound.  To register for this event, please email Sarah at with children’s names and ages. CLICK HERE to visit the Facebook page for more info.