Our happy place as a family, is on the cliffs from Jerbourg point to Petit Port. The views are breath-taking, the path is kid friendly and the treat of a unicorn or hulk hot chocolate at the end, ensures no moaning from the kids!
The walk starts at the end of Jerbourg Road (La Route de Jerbourg) by Hotel Jerbourg. There is a large parking area with incredible views of Alderney, Herm, Sark, Jersey and in the distance the coast of France can be seen on a clear day.
The walk starts at the end of Jerbourg Road (La Route de Jerbourg) by Hotel Jerbourg. There is a large parking area with incredible views of Alderney, Herm, Sark, Jersey and in the distance the coast of France can be seen on a clear day.

Getting To The Cliff Path
Exit the car park and follow the road marked as a dead end. Follow the road past a few houses (wow, imagine living in those!) and you’ll come to some steps that indicate the start of the cliff path.

Amazing Views
The cliff path snakes round the entire south coast of Guernsey and in all directions, you’re treated to the most amazing views. In some places the path is close to the edge, so you do need to be careful with little explorers, ensuring they don’t go too far ahead.
The path has many ups and downs with benches dotted along the way to sit and admire the view. You’ll come across 2 German Bunkers, one of which you can go inside, the other has a bench on top, though be careful because there is a steep drop off the edge!

Once you’ve passed the second German Bunker, you’ll come to some steps on the left that lead down to a bench overlooking the rock formation locals call the Peastacks. This is our favourite spot for a picnic, the view from here is incredible. We once walked onto the Peastacks and it was great fun but looking back on it, it might not have been the best idea with 2 kids (it was a total mission getting them to walk back to the footpath!).

Following the path on from the Peastacks, and you’ll come to Petit Port, a stunning beach with white sand and crystal clear water, however, the only way to reach the beach is by walking down over 270 steps from the cliff path. The beach is totally worth the effort to get to it, it’s a piece of paradise that is the perfect place to relax, taking you away from the fast pace of normal life.

From here, we either turn round and retrace our steps back to Jerbourg Point or, if we feel like a longer walk, we carry on the footpath, after a while the path drops down below a bungalow and climbs up again to where the path joins an access road. We turn off the cliff path here and head back to the main road. You come out near the Doyle Monument and can walk back on the road to Jerbourg Point.

Unicorn Hot Chocolates
Once we’re back at Jerbourg we often go to Hotel Jerbourg and the girls have their favourite Unicorn Hot Chocolate (they do a green Hulk version too) as a treat. White hot chocolate coloured pink, cream, sprinkles, mini marshmellows and a flump unicorn horn, what’s not to love!!…

We recently discovered that they also sell Unicorn Milkshakes. Enough sugar for a week but of course a big hit with the kids!
Hotel Jerbourg has a cake shop so the adults aren’t left out, the hard thing is deciding what to choose!

Jerbourg Kiosk
There is also a good kiosk at Jerbourg serving hot and cold drinks, ice creams and a selected Thai menu (the Thai food is delicious). There are a number of tables outside of the kiosk and toilets.

Jerbourg point is worth a visit if not for the walking, for the incredible views. The beauty of the cliff path is that you can walk for as long, or as little, as you like, and with the Jerbourg Kiosk or Hotel Jerbourg to greet you when you return, we think it’s a must visit when in Guernsey.
Jerbourg Point, Jerbourg Road, St. Martins, Guernsey GY4 6BJ
Bus Route