Roller Disco (12yrs+)
Get those skates on to skate the night away with lights and music. £10 per skater with skate hire included if needed. Please feel free to bring your own too!
2 sessions;
– 6.15-7.15 pm for kids and families (all skaters must be 5 or over)
– 7.45-8.45 pm for 12+
– 6.15-7.15 pm for kids and families (all skaters must be 5 or over)
– 7.45-8.45 pm for 12+
In order to reserve your spot, please email sarnia.artistic@gmail.com with details of which session, names, ages and skate hire sizes for each skater if needed. Payment details will be provided and payment reserves your spot.
Tuck shop selling treats and drinks available for cash only on the night! CLICK HERE to visit the event Facebook page for updates.