Business Name
Boots The Chemist offer two stores in Guernsey. The main store is located in the High Street of St Peter Port and stocks baby food, nappies, clothing and a selection of baby toys and accessories. Another smaller store is located on The Bridge in St Sampsons.
Business Phone Number
01481 723565
Business Address
47 High Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey
Business Name
Marks & Spencer are a worldwide brand offering several clothing and food departments across the Island. Food stores are located in St Peter Port, St Martins and at L’Islet. M&S kids offer children’s clothing and is located in the Bordage opposite the market buildings.
Business Phone Number
01481 738200
Business Address
St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 1WR
Business Name
Monsoon offer a beautiful range of childrenswear, kids shoes and accessories. The store is located in the High Street of St Peter Port.
Business Phone Number
01481 722156
Business Address
26 High Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 2JU
Business Name
Homemade crafts made with love in Guernsey! Range includes handmade bibs, nappy/wipes holders, change mats, pram blankets, cushions and more…
Business Phone Number
07781 167804
Business Name
Peacocks offer a great range of baby clothing, childrenswear, shoes and accessories at fabulous prices. Peacocks is located within the Alliance supermarket just off the Braye Road in St Sampsons. Opening times are: Mon-Sat 7.30am-7.30pm Sun 10am-3.30pm
Business Phone Number
01481 246827
Business Address
Braye Road, Vale, Guernsey, GY3 5XB