Guernsey with Kids

Young Rollers (junior section of the Guernsey Bowling Club)
Young Rollers is open to all children up to the age of 17 and takes place on Sundays between May and September from 9.30am to 11am, at Beau Sejour, supervised by 15 coaching members of the Guernsey Bowling Club. A FREE Sunday morning activity.
Business Phone Number
Chris Dyer on 07839 195 910
Business Address
Guernsey Bowling Club, Beau Sejour, St Peter Port, GY1 2DL
Youth Commission for Guernsey and Alderney
The Youth Commission offer a wide range of services including the running of various youth centres and clubs, events and activities during school holidays including the popular Playscheme and a range of support services for families in Guernsey and Alderney.
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
01481 756099
Business Address
Les Ozouets Campus,  Les Ozouets,  St Peter Port,  Guernsey,  GY1 2UB