If you’re looking for an arty club for your child(ren), then look no further than Rebecca’s Art Workshops. Rebecca offers after school clubs, school holiday workshops and birthday parties in her new studio at The Barn, Sausmarez Manor. All of Rebecca’s classes are suitable for children from 5-12yrs of all abilities.
My girls tried one of Rebecca’s Christmas Holiday Clubs (before Rebecca moved to Sausmarez Manor) and they thoroughly enjoyed it. CLICK HERE to read our blog about our experience.

Rebecca is a local artist and an experienced Montessori teacher who has an affinity with children and a passion for creating amazing art with them. What stands out when spending time with Rebecca, is how calm she is with all the children, and it’s this calm that gives her sessions a very relaxing feel for the children.

The Barn, Sausmarez Manor

Rebecca’s Art Workshops has moved to its new home at The Barn, Sausmarez Manor, offering 2 floors for Rebecca to expand what she can offer. Downstairs is a lovely retail space packed full of beautiful local art (some by Rebecca) and lots of handmade goodies. Upstairs is a light and airy studio, the home to Rebecca’s art workshops.

Holiday Art Workshops
Rebecca offers very popular holiday workshops during all school holidays throughout the year. Each session lasts 3 hours and has a maximum of 12 children, ensuring that each child gets Rebecca’s focus during the session. Rebecca paints a picture for each session that the children will recreate, and the quality of the pictures at the end of the sessions is amazing. Each child will create a piece that they are genuinely very proud of.

Parent feedback...
“ 'E' absolutely loved the workshop and was so proud of his Halloween masterpiece that we've created a Wall of Fame for his artwork!"
“Thank you so much for this week. 'A' has had such an absolute ball and has amazed herself (and us) by what she was able to achieve. It has been a real highlight of the holidays for her"
After School Clubs
Rebecca offers 3 after school clubs, on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday’s, and they are perfect for all budding artists, with a maximum of 12 children per session.
Throughout each half term, children learn different techniques, artists and mediums and watch their very own portfolio come to life. These sessions are more in-depth than the holiday workshops, with more self-expression and focus on the creative process, and each artist progresses at their own speed according to their age and their own ‘rhythm.
I absolutely love after school art club. I've learnt different art skills each week, using lots of different textures and techniques. Rebecca is really kind and makes things really fun. I feel relaxed, calm and happy every time I go and I really enjoy it.
Noah Smith, aged 10yrs

Arty Birthday Parties
Looking for a birthday party with a difference? Then look no further than Rebecca’s Art Parties. Each party gives the birthday child and their friends the chance to create a masterpiece, with the theme chosen by the birthday girl/boy. Rebecca’s studio can accommodate up to 16 children for parties, and they can be up to 2 hrs in duration. Children paint during the first part of the party, then when the party kids get peckish, you can either bring your own food to be eaten in the studio, or you can head over to Rob at Patois Brasserie, also at Sausmarez Manor, for party food. Whilst the children are eating, Rebecca dries and mounts the children’s paintings and displays them on the wall, the perfect backdrop for a group photo.

Shopping Time
When your child(ren) are busy upstairs in Rebecca’s studio, don’t forget to have a mooch around her shop, there are lots of beautiful items from artwork, to jewellery and clothes.

Useful Info
Website: Rebeccasartworkshops.com
Phone: For more info and to book contact Rebecca on 07781129043.